主页My WebLink关于1990-10 COUNTY CORRIDORS • vol. Ill, No.VIII A Newsletter For Employees and Retirees of Tompkins County October 1990 A sticky cording to Dave. "They should be acknow- terrible, wasteful in this world, but hey - -you ledged, we should thank them because get a lot of good things for Christmas, and . they're bringing in stuff from home. You maybe somebody else ought to get [good Business ought to see the cans we get, we never heard things too]." of some of this stuff. People bringing in a lot Folks will be notified that these toys are of glass, a lot of cans, a lot of the big bottles." available, and a "toy store" will be set up on Cans For Kids Some people have also donated toys, and if the first floor of Biggs A and people will be "... anybody's interested in donating toys, we able to come in and choose the toys they c sure welcome them." "Cash, cans, we'll take want. . = -z it all," interjects Denise. Ted adds, "And Right now cans are being collected from we'd like to have...new toys. We don't have Probation and DSS. "If other units or any way to repair things, and we try to do departments wanted to go in on this we ®® this so that just because you're poor doesn't could certainly help them get started," of- 4 necessarily mean you're going to get a used fers Dave. ■ toy. That's great and everything else, but..." "We're only really in the beginning by Bill Chapp, DSS "They should get the same as we get," says stages," states Ted, and Dave agrees. "We A can here, a bottle there - -it all adds up, Dave. "Yeah," continues Ted, "the new really don't know how it's going to go until toys. And wed like to have new toys... be- we try this giveaway. I hope it works well. as Dave Chase, Denise Green and Ted Mer- ritt of the Department of Social Services well cause I just think it's better. I know it sounds know. They're collecting cans for Christmas presents for kids. And what kid wouldn't like to wake up on Christmas morning and find a nice, shiny can in his or her stocking? SAVE MON EYE l ' mu m u $ $ $ $ $ $ ill Eh? Oh, sorry. Slight misunderstanding. tually, the cans get turned in for the e posits and this money will be used to buy RMSCO informational meetings concerning the benefits of enrolling under our flexible toys for the kids. spending plan and paying some of your expenses with before -tax dollars (examples, de- This all got started back around `85 or `86, pendent/child care, non - covered medical and dental expense, eyeglasses, etc.) have been says Ted, when the local catalog store of a scheduled for October 24, 25, and 30. national chain donated "two pickup -truck Please consult your department's bulletin board for the exact time and location; notices loads of nice, nice toys." "Not Teddy -sized were sent to all departments and the Library on October 2. pickups either, we're talking full- sized," adds Denise. These were toys that had been ordered and paid for but never picked up. ) . , Other businesses and individuals made - ::a y monetary donations, and this went on for a few years. Then the policies of the store that ' ' ' made the original donation changed, and the 11G, ` 1 . ` . , toys had to be shipped back. Broken toys . - were donated one year, though, and people l �� P �� in Buildings and Grounds helped fix them - ��- ` t up. ° ., ` . ,, � r • , � . As Dave tells it, he and Ted had talked "... • % `�"' } at times about what to do at Christmastime; _ ' .t,' / ! l we used to buy toys and whatever and get ,K - them out... so I said maybe we can think of `' ". another idea, so we started this cans for kids k t . thing. So Ted says he's willing to do it, I said ' A r I was willing to do it, and we recruited " t ,. f Denise to do it." , .,,, 1 / They started at the end of April, and are 4 - ' . tting more cans than they expected. As of ptember 12 they had $ 320.00 and they may have about $500 to spend by the end of ' Tompkins County's first Adult Day Program opened its doors at the Reconstruction November, the tentative purchase date for Home on September 6,1990. Call Admissions Director, Peg Hopper at 273 -4166 for more the toys. "People got real supportive," ac- information. Photo by Marilyn SttessberQ THANKS... VACANCIES The Tompkins County Health Department wishes to express sincere gratitude to all who were involved in educating parents to ensure that their children received the required meas- les boosters before entering school this Fall. It is through the assistance of the media, chur- CURRENT VACANCIES IN TOMPKIIII ches, school nurses and physicians that made it possible for Health Department staff to COUNTY'S JURISDICTION serve a record breaking 1,148 individuals during the month of August 1990. (These are positions for which no civil As the Public Health Director, I am extremely proud of the accomplishments of our Service eligible list is in effect. They dedicated, hard working Nursing staff. Under the guidance of Alice Cole, Acting Director may be filled on a "provisional" or of Patient Services, and Elizabeth Wright, Supervising Public Health Nurse, an emergency "temporary" basis. clinic was held on August 30, to meet an unanticipated community need. As always the DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SER- Tompkins County Health Department staff rallied to the cause. The Board of Health and VICES: I greatly appreciate their ongoing hard work and dedication to service. Case Supervisor Grade B, LG 13 It is appropriate at this time to remind the parents of children who will be enrolling in 1991, not to wait until July or August for their inoculations. They can receive them as early HEALTH as January 1991 to avoid the last minute rush. Public Health Engineer, LG 13 Thank you. Public Health Nurses, Full -time & Suzanne R. Stopen, R.N., M.P.S. - Public Health Director Part -time, LG 11 Team Leader, LG 13 NO FLU FOR YOU! PLANNING DEPARTMENT With the flu season — usually from November to April — fast approaching the Health Planner, LG 12 Department is recommending flu shots for Tompkins County employees. Flu, or influen- za, is a viral infection of the nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs that can infect people PROBATION DEPARTMENT of all ages. Probation Officer, LG 12 Although influenza is usually mild and most people recover fully, some individuals be- come seriously ill and may need to go to the hospital. Flu shots for anyone who wishes to PUBLIC WORKS reduce his or her chances of catching the flu may be obtained through a private physician Automotive Mechanic, LG 12 or Tompkins County will again provide this inoculation to its employees at the reduced Building Maintenance Worker cost of $1.50 per person. Late October or early November is the best time to get a flu shot. (Plumber /Steamfitter), LG 11 Two flu shot clinics for employees will be held as follows: General Highway Supervisor, MG D » November 7, 1990 at the conference room in the County Courthouse from Guard, 2:00 am to 6:30 am Monday — 4:00 — 4:45 p.m. Friday. 12:00 pm to 12:00 am oill weekends » November 9, 1990 at the Tompkins County Health Department (Biggs B) Maintenance Worker, LG 7 Clinic room from 3:30 — 4:30 p.m. If you are subject to any of the following you CANNOT receive a flu shot. VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Account Clerk/Typists, LG 5 Typists, LG 4 » 1. ALLERGIC TO: • eggs YOUTH BUREAU • streptomycin (an antibiotic) Senior Program Management • thimersol (a Preservative) Specialist, LG 12 Planner, LG 14 • sulfites » 2. If you have ever had Gullain - Barre Syndrome. BOCES Typist » 3. Any violent reaction to a shot (other than a sore arm.) Librarian III If you have any questions about this information please call the Health Department at 273 -7272. LIBRARY Page, Part -time position 4: TC -3 ► Security Guard Ca N Call Carolyn Croke at 277- ANTICIPATED VACANCY FOR THE Resource ° , ASSIGNED COUNCIL PROGRAM: 0148 for more information Secretary, LG 8 CC nter about the Office for the Aging's free fall workshops Please contact Tompkins County Per - for those county residents sound for job descriptions, minimu W 1Pit , Vik 4 4 4 i" caring for elderly relatives qualifications, and applications for the 11,Yri/ ' vacant positions listed above. ' j ! ` j� a ',..:1,11::: or friends. Photo by Marilyn Strassberg - I ErpI::.yee of the Month SOMEONE YOU SHOULD KNOW Important • by Doug Stewart Data Processing of us, she's willing to do anything for them — Notices In previous months you have seen several not that she would admit to it. employees featured in the Employee of the A word of advice. If you can't find Carol ...Health Insurance either at work Month "column ". Subsequently, you may k, home or visiting with her have noticed that the employees chosen are friends, you'll most likely find her at Mayer's not necessarily exceptional employees in Smoke Shop purchasing her daily lottery terms of what they have accomplished, numbers and harassing the help. According Very shortly, we will be issuing all new rather they are everyday people who ac- to Carol she is still playing on "their" money health insurance cards to all employees complish everyday tasks and goals excep- so she doesn't get too upset when she doesn't and retirees. These cards will contain a tionallywell. Therefore, the Employee of the win but she does seem to win as often as she three - letter prefix before the identification Month "column" may well be titled "Some- loses. She has already warned us that if she number, as well as, in many instances, a one You Should Know", doesn't show up for work she's won the "big new group number for some of you now as- This month, we found Carol Boles one ". signed to 03184 -00. In an effort to make "stashed" in the County Board of Elections Carol has been working in the Elections distribution easier, we have combined office, and she definitely is "someone you office as Senior Clerk for the Democratic these two changes and cards should be should know." Commissioner since September, 1984. She available the end of October /early Novem- First some background information. has done everything from separating "Mail ber. When you receive them, please make From what I can tell, if you were to go to Check" cards on a Saturday morning to sure you use them. In the meantime, con - Lansing and ask any stranger where to find meeting ex -Vice Presidential hopeful, tinue to use the cards you have. Carol (aka "CB "), I'm positively sure they Geraldine Ferraro. Carol helps to keep the would know where to direct you. As a Elections office running smoothly (or at least recently retired player from one of Lansing's makes sure someone is there to answer the best softball teams and an extremely en- phone). Whether you are working or retired, if thusiastic "sports mother ", she's known and If I had to describe Carol in one word, it you are enrolled in the County's health in- liked by more people than most could ever would probably be attitude. Carol has an at- surance through Blue Cross/Blue Shield, to be. titude about her which can best be described it is mandatory that you send County Per - . pe er family however, is her number one as "What You See is What You Get ". She is sonnel a copy of your Medicare card when priority. At home she has her husband very straight forward which I think is her best you turn 65 years of age. Please remember "Jimmy", a construction worker, who ac- asset. You always know where you stand with to do so. If your spouse is also covered cording to Carol, has every tool Sears Carol and on some occasions where you under the plan, please do the same for Roebuck ever thought of selling; her son Jeff shouldn't stand! her/him. Thank you. who recently graduated from Tompkins It's not the way she takes care of her fami Cortland Community College with a degree ly and it's not the way that she does her job in Human Services; and her son Doug who that makes her special. It is the way that she 4 — has just started attending Cornell University deals with life in general that makes her uni majoring in Electrical Engineering, as well que and "someone you should know." as attending Air Force ROTC. Although she 1 ' grumbles about her family just like the rest m ,,. ti 1 , REMEMBER... `' at TO EXERCISE 3 .: e YOUR RIGHT : >; TO VOTE!!! lo. _, pR x ..77 j Carol Boles our Employee of the Month from Board of Elections 11 - 6 - 90 Photo by Bill Chopp UNCLASSIFIEDS '� - -_ —∎ FOR SALE: Beautifully crafted GIFT BASKETS filled with items from interna- ' tional markets and local artisans. Pro tions, Weddings, Fundraising, New B many more. THE MARKET SQUAR TIPS ON HALLOWEEN SAFETY 277-2090. • Trick or Treat during daylight • PARENTS PLEASE educate FOR SALE: 12' x 15' beige rug and pad, hours. your children not to eat any / almost new, excellent condition. 5300. Call candy before a mom or dad has Jeanne Frandsen, 277 -5213, after 5 p.m. • Stick to your own neighbors or had an opportunity to check it family friends. out. EXPERIENCED seamstress will create women's and children's fashions, custom • Adults should go with children • The Health Department advises / to insure safety with traffic and parents to discard unpackaged, •u ade especially for you by TYNYK prevent children from getting unsealed items such as apples, RIGINALS, from your pattern and lost. popcorn o cookies that are naterial. Reasonable price quotes in ad- ance and assistance in materials selection. • Use flashlights to increase � 'or more information call 564 -9244 evenings visibility. • Consider an in-house" Hal- loween party. f d weekends. HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Vacancies on the COFA Advisory LOOKING FOR NEW IDEAS Committee 0o G o s by Margaret Harding IP The County Corridors Editorial Board is looking for new people with The County Office for the Aging new ideas! WE WANT YOU! If you enjoy the newsletter and would like g meets on has 4t Monday vacancies. The y J y group meets on the 4th Monday of every to be part of it, come and join us at our next meeting which is month, in the morning, usually at the Court - November 6 at 9:30 a.m. at the Personnel Department. We need people house. Members are expected to be alert to who enjoy writing, taking pictures, or just have fresh ideas. Come and high priority needs of senior citizens, to ad be part of the fun, vise the staff and county board on programs and issues affecting the elderly. They also help interpret the work of the office and the needs of seniors to the public. For an overview of the COFA program, , plan to attend the public hearing on October 22, 1990 at 10:15 a.m. at the Salvation Army, 150 N. Albany Street. FREE UNCLASSIFIEDS If you want to recommend a candidate or Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees and their im- apply yourself, call the Office for the Aging, mediate families. Ms may be for any purpose except no personal ads will be accepted. No 277 -0148, the Clerk of the Board of Repre- County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in the ads. Use this coupon to send your sentatives, 274 -5434, or your member of the ad to Corridors c/o Central Services. County Board of Representatives for a resume form to fill out. Appointments are made by the Board of Representatives. NOTICE: Our apology to the Tee Mutant Ninja Turtles pictured in • • month's Corridors, they are not the Bea boys as stated. If anyone would like to cor- rectly identify the Turtles, please let us j know.